Stefano Tropea (foto Andrea Avezzù)

Born in Padua in 1983, Stefano Tropea earned a MSc degree in architecture at Università Iuav di Venezia in 2007 under the supervision of Prof. Bernardo Secchi. Socrates-Erasmus scholarship at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona in 2003-04 and Architecture and management workshop student at SDA Bocconi in 2015-16.

Founding partner of B22, an architecture practice based in Milan and focused on architecture, landscape and urbanism. Work by the practice includes the SON center for mental fragility “Cascina San Carlo” (In/Architettura award, InArch/Ance), a social housing building in the Cascina Merlata development in Milan (Gold Medal for Italian Architecture – First work special award, Triennale di Milano) and the Kingdom of Bahrain pavilion at the 13th and 12th Venice Architecture Biennale (Golden Lion award for the best national participation, La Biennale di Venezia).

Together with B22 he received a special mention at Italian Architect of the Year 2023 award by the National Council of Architects and Planners, selected in 2016 for the Europe 40 under 40 award by The European Centre for Architecture and The Chicago Athenaeum, and nominated for the Italian Architecture Young Talent Prize 2015 by the National Council of Architects and Planners.

Before founding B22, from 2004 to 2011, he has worked for several architectural firms, among other Cino Zucchi architetti and Mauro Galantino in Milan, and Claus en Kaan architecten and SeARCH architects in Amsterdam.

From 2013 to 2021 member of the board of directors both of the Chamber of Architects of Milan and of its Foundation, with responsibility for cultural activities and digital transformation.

Adjunct professor at Politecnico di Milano and member of the international research team of ARE_Living on housing innovation (team unit Cino Zucchi, director Elsa Prochazka), he is regularly invited to hold lectures both on his works and on innovation in contemporary housing design.


(photo credit: Andrea Avezzù)